Sierra Games Evil Genius Game

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Evil Genius (PC): Evil Genius is one of the freshest, funniest games to hit the PC in a long time. Evil Genius is a tricky game to.
Walkthrough Corridors are available from the very beginning of the game and cost $100 per tile. Like every other room type, they have to be at least 2 tiles wide, which makes sense since doors are also 2 tiles wide. Corridors, despite being the most basic roomtype, have 3 purposes: 1) creating an entrance to the base The entrance of a base often consists of a labyrinth of corridors and rooms with traps to keep unwanted visitors out of the main base.
Free Psytrance Loops. It is highly recommended to do so. Afterall, who would want a swarm of enemy veteran soldiers to just walk in the heart of the base and shoot up everything, or worse, a super agent? Even if you would defeat them, new agents would be showing up sooner than you can train the military minions you lost in the previous battle. With all those bodybags piling up, your heat would go through the roof and it's only a matter of time before agents overrun your base and eventually take your Evil Genius out: game over. So yes, it is better to keep busy, mislead or trap the overwhelming majority of the agents rather than to kill them all, particularly on hard difficulty. So, how to trick them?