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Halstead-Reitan Battery. Ralph Reitan, one of Halstead's. Scoring involves recording the time to complete each of the three blindfolded trials and. The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (HRNB) and allied procedures is a comprehensive suite of neuropsychological tests used to assess the condition and.

The Halstead-Reitan neuropsychological. Norms for African American and Caucasian adults scoring program. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult.

Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery Purpose: Developed as a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery. Population: Ages 5-8, 9-14, 15 and over. Scores: One combined score: Halstead impairment index.

Time: Not reported. Author: Ralph M. Reitan Publisher: Reitan Neuropsychology Laboratories, University of Arizona. Description: The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery (HRNB) was developed to predict the presence of brain damage while offering a comprehensive view of a patient’s individual functions. The purpose of this battery is to provide the clinician with a database for inferring the nature, location, and extent of the structural changes in the brain that may underlie and explain the pattern of intact and impaired functions derived from the measures and qualitative information yielded by the battery. The present battery consists of 10 tests which have been shown empirically to best discriminate between normals and patients with documented cortical damage. Belalim Mahsun Download Movies.

The authors offer convincing data favoring clearer brain damage localization with the HRNB for acute lesions rather than more chronic neuropathology. Scoring: The battery includes tests purported to measure elements of memory, abstract thought, language, sensory-motor integration, imperception, and motor dexterity.

Reliability: Information on reliability is not included in the manual. Validity: The battery has been shown to discriminate normal controls from patients with brain damage with considerable accuracy (84-98%). The normative base for establishing a profile of individual standard score patterns can be found in a large collection of studies designed to demonstrate validity of the battery to differentiate (1) organic neurological from normal populations, (2) organic neurological from functional psychiatric populations, (3) focal from diffuse neurological disease, (4) regional focal cerebral dysfunction by major zones, and (5) the etiological conditions associated with individual differences in outcome pattern. Norms: The manual reports no standardization or normative data, but relies upon the body of research which has evolved for the past 30 years with the battery. Suggested Uses: It is suggested that the HRNB is a more than adequate neuropsychological instrument for use in clinical and research settings.