Pdf Is De Facto Standard

What is a Standard By definition a standard is a set of rules or guidelines approved and monitored by an authorized organization. Every day, in one way or another, we use a variety of standards as part of our daily private and professional lives. We use standards for communicating, taking care of our health, building things, cooking, growing food, baking a cake or just relaxing.
Standards provide a basis or foundation by which activities are governed, benefiting us personally as well as, helping businesses, their consumers and the economy. De facto standards can become de jure standards by adhering to the standardization process conducted by an authorized organization, or it can also become an de jure standard with the expiration of time. For example, de facto standards like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Portable Document Format (PDF) have not been exposed to the official standardization process, but have become standards based on time and usage. Additionally, there may be differences between the de jure standard and the de facto standard. One example of such a variable condition is the adoption of the international distance measurement kilometer which is a de jure standard, compared with the de facto standard of the mile used in the United States. Standards Organizations We define a standards organization as an established group of individuals having the expertise and authority to endorse proposed de facto standards for conversion to a de jure standard. The most prominent organizations for standardization are identified in the table below.
1 Anesthesia Gas Monitoring: Evolution of a de facto Standard of Care Introduction The overriding concern for patient safety during surgery has given rise to the. Next Post What is a PDF file? Convert jpg to pdf online. What is a PDF file? How did the JPF file become the de facto standard? What is a JPG file?
Organization Name Description ANSI American National Standards Institute Responsible for the development of technology standards in the United States IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fosters the development of national and international standards BSI British Standards Institution An international service organization responsible for producing standards across industry sectors serving 150 countries. IETF Internet Engineering Task Force Responsible for Internet protocols such as TCP/IP OASIS Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards Responsible for product-independent standards relating to information formats like XML and HTML How is a De facto Standard Generated? The majority of standards in use today surfaced through awareness and considered de facto standards if they have not been adopted by a formal standards organization.
Many de facto standards are created by an individual company to meet a specific need. Others surface for general use because of its dominance and technical superiority or when the market demands it. Lesson Summary In this lesson we discussed de facto standards and how they compared with de jure standards, including how these guidelines impact business and our personal lives. We also learned the benefits of using a standard and the negative ramifications if they are not used.
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