Fallout 3 Xbox 360 Achievement Guide

Fallout 3 has 72 achievements worth 1550 points. Fallout 3 Achievements. Achievements Xbox 360 Games. Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for Fallout 3 in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the internet. Fallout 3 Achievement Guide for Xbox 360. We have found a Fallout 3 Achievement guide for all you happy go lucky nuke dodgers!
Achievement won on 02 Dec 08 TA Score for this game: Posted on 27 September 10 at 00:10 This solution has 37 positive votes and 2 negative votes. Please log in to vote. The Wasteland Survival Guide quest is picked up from Moira in Megaton. The Guide contains 3 chapters, each with 3 missions. You start with Chapter 1, but can choose which missions you want to do first. Each mission contains a Main Objective and an Optional Objective. With a high enough Speech level, quite a few of these can be skipped by lying to Moira about them.
However, you may not be as highly rewarded if you do so. Chapter 1 Find food at the Super Duper Mart Main Objective: Find food at the Super Duper Mart.
Optional Objective: Find medicine at the Super Duper Mart. Contract Radiation Sickness Main: Contract 200 Rads.
Optional: Contract 600 Rads. Traverse a Mine Field Main: Travel to the playground in the middle of Minefield. Optional: Collect and return a Frag Mine to Moira. Chapter 2 Test the repellent on Mole Rats Main: Test the Mole Rat Repellent on 3 Mole Rats. 3d Route Builder Keygen Software.
Optional: Test repellent on an additional 7 Mole Rats. Place an Observer Unit inside a Mirelurk nest Main: Moira will give you an Observer Unit. Gabriola Bold Font Free. Place the unit inside a Mirelurk Egg Clutch in the Anchorage Memorial. Optional: Do the main objective without killing a Mirelurk.
Acquire injuries that are more than 50% of your total health Main: Return to Moira with less than 50% of your total health. Optional: Return to Moira with a crippled body part.
Chapter 3 Research Rivet City's history Main: Find out the history of Rivet City. Optional: Find out the true history of Rivet City. RobCo Production Facility Mainframe Main: Moira will give you a Processor Widget to install in the RobCo production facility mainframe. Optional: Hack the RobCo production facility mainframe.