Descargar Videos Musicales Infantiles Gratis Para Pc
The official video app HeyKids Children Songs is designed for both toddlers and preschool satisfy their curiosity entering our world of discovery, learning and entertainment! Popular children's songs, combined with beautiful 3D animated videos, keep kids entertained while they learn new vocabulary. Carefully designed for babies, toddlers and all ages, this application is ideal for visually and aurally exciting experience, which is also attractive and educational. Turn up the volume and starts family fun!
Canciones Infantiles MP3 descargar musicas GRATIS. Escuchar musica de Canciones Infantiles online.
Characteristics - NO ADS, ensuring a safe environment for their children - VIDEO PLAYBACK OFFLINE. Convert Ksd File To Jpg more. Look at the animations wherever you go, without needing internet connection. - Over 13 children's songs with animated music videos in 3D! - New animated songs added every month! - Designed for kids. This means no unnecessary buttons, scrolling screen is simple, and videos are going to full screen instantly.
- Multiple configurations for parents In short, this app is designed to be super fun for you and your kids. 6 songs are included for free: - Where are Estrellita - Jingle Bell - An Elephant bobbed - If you're happy and you know - Lola the cow - Head shoulders Knees and toes More than 6 songs that kids love, are available with the subscription: - La Gallina Turulenca - In my uncle's farm - Martinillo - Dairy Cow - Incy Wincy Spider - Star Estrellita - Happy Birthday - A Mi Burro Le headache - The Dancing Frog - Mrs. Cow - Cucu sang the Frog - Today is Christmas - Silent Night - Christmas tree - A Rat Old - Five Little Ducks Definitely must for parents with young children! For customer, comments or suggestions, please contact us at Like our app? Please Rate It or tell us what you and tell us what you thought.
Canciones Infantiles MP3 descargar musicas GRATIS. Escuchar musica de Canciones Infantiles online. 10 sitios para descargar videos musicales gratis de la mejor. Hay decenas de miles de sitios web que se cercioran de que la descarga mejor video canciones se.