Cuda Driver Os X Mavericks
OK so my AMD Radeon HD 7970 I bought in December 2013 is failing. Monitors flickering and flashing, screens jumping from white to black and then the system rebooting. Is this card just a lemon and failing or is it having driver issues? It did detect drivers yesterday and I did the auto install. Kristanix Email Sender Deluxe 2.35 Keygen on this page. Then today after booting my system up it now gives me this message that an update is required, but the latest driver on the Nvidia site (why is AMD using Nvidia drivers?) says 5.5.43 are the latest. And above that where you choose to install the cuda update, its grey! You can't select it and below that it says, 'no newer cuda diver available.'
What is going on?!! Anyone having this issue with a Mac Pro Mid 2010 tower running Mavericks? Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9), FCPX 10.09, iPhone 4S iOS7 Posted on Feb 28, 2014 2:33 PM. Nearby posts suggest there is a problem in 10. D2 Maphack 1.13. 9.2 (but NOT 10.9.1) in the driver for the 7950 Mac Edition. Of the pictures you posted, the first is a picture of an initial gray apple that has been sliced up and relocated to different sections of the scren.