Bac Cooling Tower Serial Number Age
Series 3000 and XE-Series Cooling Towers. Contact your local BAC Representative whose name and. Number and serial number of the unit are also located in this area. The age of your furnace, air. The Building Intelligence Center assists. Providing a resource library of industry brands and sample serial numbers where the date.
Does anyone have access to an old Baltimaore Air Coil (BAC) selection guide (book) for a VS series cooling tower? Pinnacle Studio 16 Trial Setup.exe more. I'm trying to recommission a 1974 vintage VST cooling tower and have been unable to track down performance data for it. The factory (so I've been told) scanned their old catalogs, then discarded them; however, the scanned performance charts I've gotten from them are unreadable.
Thank you in advance if you could find performance information for a BAC VST-325A (or similar) cooling tower. RE: BAC cooling tower information (Mechanical) 20 Dec 06 23:16. Assuming you get this information you need to also take a suspicious eye at the data. Prior to CTI being formed all the cooling tower manufacturers cheated--to varying degrees. As someone that designed hundreds of central utility plants I saw this cheating could amount from 20% to as high as 50% of the listed performance. You might want to think about hiring a CTI certified company to generate your own, onsite performance curves. In terms of the coating, check on the inside of the CW basin if you haven't already.