Aee Nc601 Software
Title: Aee Technology, Author. // Network. View up to 16 Cameras on One Screen ★With the software “Network Camera Viewer” you can. N Network Cameras supported by webcamXP and the IP Camera Directshow filter The software includes the following network cameras templates, if your camera is not in. The NC601 Tek-BRIDGE® with Tek-ALERT® Software includes the software and hardware to install and run the Tek-ALERT® Integration Manager. When properly configured.
The NC601 Tek-BRIDGE® with Tek-ALERT® Software includes the software and hardware to install and run the Tek-ALERT® Integration Manager. When properly configured, the Tek-ALERT® Integration Manager receives events from monitored foreign systems (such as nurse call and fire alarm), and displays the events on its Event Monitor. The monitored foreign system must be able to supply an accessible data stream via one of the following protocols: Serial (event printing, Scope paging, ContactID), COMPII, TAP, NC300/NC300II, HL7, TCP/IP, TCP/IP Listener, UDP or Centrak. Contact TekTone® if a protocol is not listed, as protocol libraries will grow. Tek-BRIDGE® also supplies ports for a local area network (LAN) or the facility’s local area network (LAN) and the radio pocket paging system’s paging transmitter. Each monitored foreign system connects either to one of the unused serial ports, or to the LAN using a CT601 Serial to IP Converter. Two options are available for connecting systems to the Tek-BRIDGE®: • Up to four unused serial ports can each be configured to connect a monitored system directly to the TekBRIDGE® via a standard null modem serial cable.
Please read this manual carefully and thoroughly before any attempt to install and operate this product and retain it for your future reference.
COM3 is reserved for the Tek-PAGING® paging transmitter. Download Template Website Berbasis Php File. COM5 is unavailable. (Maximum cable length is 100′; use a PM368K Short Haul Modem Kit to extend the cable distance up to 2000′ using Cat5 cable.) • Using the auxiliary ethernet port on the Tek-BRIDGE®, connect to a standalone LAN or to the facility’s local area network (LAN). Then connect each monitored foreign system or Tek-CARE® NC300/II to the LAN using a CT601 Serial to IP Converter.